The purpose of sketching faces is to outline general features; then detail and refine. I had a personal experience which taught me a lesson. Before completing your portrait painting check with your client to be sure the sitter is in agreement.
I had described exactly how I wanted my portrait to be done and I asked the portrait painting artist if she could do it. If it was not within her talent range to give me what I wanted, do not take the job. She said she could it. We agreed to 50% down and 50% on completion.
She completed the portrait. I was very disappointed as she did not fulfill my requirements. I refused to pay the balance of the agreed amount. I was very angry. I lost my money, but more importantly the portrait never got done.
Till today, I truly feel that if the artist had me review her work as she progressed with the portrait we would have both been very happy. She would have had her money, I would have had my portrait, and I would have done much advertising for her.
Artists may have their tempers, but the paying customer has their rights to the best product that an artist can produce. Artists like any other business person needs to give good customer service.
Thank you for listening to me. Let's go back to being a portrait artist.
Let us take a moment to reflect and think. It was not uncommon years ago for a person to be painted surrounded by those effects which defined the individual. For instance, if the person was a hunter, there would be dogs nearby. If the person enjoyed gardening, he or she would be surrounded by their flowers.
A decision needs to be made if there is to be a background or not for the person you are sketching for a portrait.
This should be an easy decision:
A significant background symbol representing their interests
Wearing apparel which identifies the person
A piece of jewelry which marks their identity
An emblem or medals signifying their accomplishments
Birthmarks or tattoos
The personality of the sitter needs to be captured on canvas with or without a significant symbol. If using symbols, do not let them take away from the sitter. The person is the focus point on the canvas.
After making portrait sketches consider where light and shadow will be noted in the portrait. Light and shadow are critical for emphasizing or de-emphasizing facial lines and expressions.
What size will you be drawing and painting? A standard rule says the subject should be 2/3 of the canvas.